A wild plentiful kind of beauty unfolds across this corridor which includes the regions of La Araucanía, the Lakes and Chiloé Island.
The weather is humid and rainy, with temperatures decreasing towards the South. It generates an environment with rich ecological diversity. This area of the Andes Mountain Range features several volcanoes which rise above sceneries of singular beauty, where the crystal-clear waters of the rivers and lakes, along with the Valdivian rainforest and the native forests of monkey-puzzles and other ancient trees are predominant.
With these natural features, the corridor offers several attractions to discover. Protected areas include the Conguillío, the Tolhuaca and the Huerquehue National Parks, with lagoons and hot spring spots, as well as rich wildlife. Lakes such as the Villarrica, the Caburgua and the Llanquihue offer spacious bathing resorts and are ideal for the practice of aquatic sports and fishing.
On the other hand, the
Pucón and
Antillanca ski resorts are good options to enjoy winter activities, as they feature high quality infrastructure and service.
But not only does this region stand out for its nature, but also for its cultural and historical heritage. The area included by the Araucanía and Lakes corridor preserves the primitive Chilean race: the Mapuches, whose community and culture may be appreciated in various destinations.
Likewise, Chiloé Island, represented by
Castro and
Quellón, treasures a historical and religious legacy which has been recognized as World Heritage and attracts thousands of travelers.
As a complement to these beauties,
the modern City of Temuco, which stands out for its economical activity, and other cities such as
Puerto Varas and
Puerto Montt have an excellent gastronomical, hotel and services proposal to welcome visitors.
Osorno / Puyehue - X Región de los Lagos
The Historical Rhotemburg Street No sooner do you walk along this street than you will find there is something about it that makes it different from others. Its gift manages to take us back 150 years in time...
Frutillar - X Región de los Lagos
Petrohue: A River with Steps Amidst the intensely green foliage, the waterfalls follow one another and make up a spectacular scene in the X Chilean Region.
Puerto Varas - X Región de los Lagos
Colonial Architecture Puerto Varas is a city where history may be read through its German architecture at private houses, churches and historical buildings.