Welcome Chile
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Chile | tuesday 10-22-2024

Dónde estamos en españolversión español

My slim nation has a body made up
of night, snow, and sand,
the silence of the world is in its long coast,
the foam of the world rises from its seaboard,
the coal of the world fills it with mysterious kisses.

From the poem “Discoverers of Chile” by Pablo Neruda

Chile is situated in the southern periphery, in the southernmost coordinates of Earth. Depending on the point of view, this long distance seems to be compensated by the overflowing nature it unfolds. Along its geographical features, Chile presents a diversity of sceneries that includes deserts, beaches, cities, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, volcanoes, hot springs and glaciers.

Location in the world

The Republic of Chile lies in the West of South America and its territory spreads from 17º 30' to 90º, South latitude. It occupies a total continental and insular surface of 756,626 km2 and a length of 4,200 km., approximately, without considering the Antarctic area. Its average width is 177 kilometers, with a continental minimum of 90 km., located between the Casa de Piedra Pass and Punta Amolanas, to the North of the mouth of the Choapa River, in the Coquimbo Region. It also includes Easter Island or Rapa Nui and the islands of San Félix, San Ambrosio, Salas and Gómez, as well as the Juan Fernández Archipelago, thus occupying 200 miles of territorial waters.
It borders on Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. The Pacific Ocean sets its natural boundary to the West.
It is divided into 13 political regions: Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana de Santiago, Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, Maule, Bío Bío, Araucanía, Los Lagos, Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica. These regions include 51 provinces and 346 communities dwelled by over 15,589,147 inhabitants (according to the last census carried out in 2002).

We would like you to see and tour around this particular territory which, along with its people, its sceneries, its history and its present, is awaiting you in welcomechile.com

Welcome Chile - Tourist Information about Chile: Where we are
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