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MUSEUMS in Chile


Municipal Historical Museum
Puerto Natales / Torres del Paine
Municipal Historical Museum
Its rooms give testimony of the origins of the native culture and provide more modern facts that show the initial economy of southern Chile.
A Palace for History
Punta Arenas
A Palace for History
The luxurious residence previously owned by the pioneer family Braun Menéndez today houses the Magallanes Regional Museum.
A Valuable Treasure
Punta Arenas
A Valuable Treasure
The Maggiorino Borgatello Salesian Museum preserves an invaluable heritage of the origins and the development of the Magellanic region.
The Brauns’ Residences
Punta Arenas
The Brauns’ Residences
Sara Braun Palace and José Menéndez Residence are two of the most representative sites of the history and architecture of the city.
Visiting Nao Victoria at Punta Arenas
Punta Arenas
Visiting Nao Victoria at Punta Arenas
An exact replica of Magellan's expedition ship perfectly recreates the time in which Nao Victoria set sail to conquer the world and found the union of the two oceans. Today, a museum...

Welcome Chile - Touristic Information about Chile: Museums
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