History of Concepción

Founded by Pedro de Valdivia in 1550, the city first lay in Penco, where the fort still stands today.
Between 1565 and 1573, it was the venue for the Real Audiencia and the capital of the Capitanía General de Chile. Early in 1600, most cities in the region were abandoned and the Imperial Bishopry was moved to Concepción. Ever since, the city has become a war treasure in the various disputes caused by the Independence war, whose proclamation documents were signed at the Plaza de Armas in Concepción in January 1st, 1818.
Bernardo O Higgins, Juan Martínez de Rosas, Ramón Freire, Joaquín Prieto and Manuel Bulnes are some of the native habitants of the city who had a very important role in the Independence of this country.
In 1751, a tidal wave destroyed the city, which used to be located in Penco. As a consequence, it had to be rebuilt but this time in its present location. This happened in 1764, and it was not until 1786 that the government imposed the Intendencias regime and founded Concepción.
The city was hit by the terrible earthquakes of 1939 and 1960, which totally destroyed it. But it was raised again and turned into a beautiful and modern city in the seaside, where economic development and growth may be appreciated everyday of the year.